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Saab Global

Changing how we learn and experience technology

4 min read

As a trusted partner to Microsoft’s Mixed Reality programme, Saab is creating applications for various hardware platforms, including the Microsoft HoloLens, 一款沉浸式混合现实全息耳机,对民用和军用领域的用户体验和培训具有深远的影响.

Augmented reality used to be the stuff of sci-fi movies, 但它正迅速成为许多不同领域的培训和用户体验不可或缺的一部分. 2016年,微软推出了HoloLens,这是增强(混合)现实技术的大胆尝试. HoloLens uses multiple sensors, 先进的光学和全息处理技术,可以显示在你周围的物理世界中可以看到的内容,甚至可以模拟虚拟现实.

十大正规博彩网站排名是首批受邀参加微软混合现实项目的开发者之一. Over the past few years, our team based in Adelaide, Australia, has been working on a range of groundbreaking training, 教育和其他复杂的3D全息应用程序,有望彻底改变用户的体验.

“我们正在研究如何使用HoloLens技术来提高态势感知和用户参与度,” says Graham Smith, Chief Engineer, Saab Australia.

“It’s quite universal in its potential, and we’re working on its application in the health, mining and defence sectors. 它真正关注的是如何有效地应用这项技术来提高用户参与度.”

开发的第一个系统是为澳大利亚皇家空军开发的沙箱战场可视化应用程序, 将3D地形与实时界面整合到战斗管理系统中. Multiple users can see and interact with ground units, ships and aircraft to visualise routes, sensor and weapon zones. 网络功能还允许多个位置的用户共享作战规划. 这为战场指挥官带来了前所未有的直观态势感知能力.

Building on this capability, 十大正规博彩网站排名团队为一家大型矿业公司开发了一款名为InDepth™的应用程序,用于以3D方式显示其金矿. Saab的depth™是一个3D全息可视化和通信平台,允许多个用户进行讨论, plan and gain a common understanding of resource site data. 它允许用户以他们希望的任何方式查看和交互他们的数据. depth™创建了一个共享全息工作空间,允许本地和远程用户在共享环境中协同工作.

使用深度™可视化复杂的信息在真正的3D允许用户专注于决策和最大化他们的数据和时间的价值. 十大正规博彩网站排名发现,使用deeptm的客户能够更快地理解他们复杂的数据,并做出更明智的商业决策. Examples of the benefits our customers have gained include:

  • Understanding the differences in the planned versus actual drill holes for blasting; and,
  • Identifying errors in the interpretation of seismic data.

十大正规博彩网站排名还将HoloLens作为展览和演示的主要工具, with high-resolution interactive 3D models of Saab products and systems, from jet fighters to submarines. 该团队还开发了高度互动的操作场景,客户可以远程操作导弹和水下航行器来执行任务, for example, a mine detection and clearing operation.


“就这项技术的潜在应用而言,这令人兴奋, both in the defence sector and beyond. This technology is really about the art of the possible, and the recent upgrade has opened the door to further applications.”

“It’s great for our company to be involved in this programme. 我来到十大正规博彩网站排名的原因之一是我们是一家成功的公司,为我们的客户提供高质量和重要的能力. 当你看看我们和其他组织的关系, it’s a natural step to associate with strong partners such as Microsoft.”